Professional Detailer:
"What Does a Detailer Do, Anyway?"
Prentice St. Clair
is the second in a three-part series of articles that
examine the profession of detailing--who we are, what
we do, and how we do it. The goal of this series is
to provide information that individual detailers can
use to help upgrade of the professional image of the
detailing industry as a whole.)
In the first part of this series, we stepped back from
the day-to-day operational issues in order to take a
look at our industry as a whole. We defined detailing
as follows: Detailing can be defined as the systematic
rejuvenation and protection of the various surfaces
of a vehicle.
This definition answers the question "what is detailing?"
but it does not answer the common question, "What
does a detailer do, anyway?" To do so, it is necessary
for us to dive deeper into this definition and take
some other factors into consideration as well. I propose
the following statement to describe what a detailer
A professional detailer combines chemicals, equipment,
knowledge of vehicle surfaces, industry standards, and
customer requirements into systematic procedures that
yield quality service and ultimately a delighted customer.
(Please see Figure 1.)
Figure 1: The Art and Science of
Professional Paint Touch-Up

In a sense, this statement points out the "art
and science" of detailing; the "science"
is the concrete elements such as chemicals, equipment,
vehicle surfaces, whereas the "art" is the
activity of combining these elements into a procedure
that works for the specific situation.
"Chemicals," of course, refers to all the
cleaning and protecting products that we use in this
profession. The professional detailer should have on
hand a set of products that, individually or combined,
will handle virtually any vehicle surface problem. The
professional detailer will have contact with at least
one distributor of quality chemicals designed specifically
for the detailing industry and will supplement these
chemicals with other products that are more generally
available (i.e., from major retailers). There is tremendous
convenience in working with a local detail supply shop,
not only in acquiring supplies but also getting
quick answers to everyday detailing challenges. However,
the professional detailer also actively investigates
and tests other product lines through other distributors
or direct contact with the manufacturer. Ask for samples
or purchase new products with a money back guarantee
as often as possible. Learning about new and different
products comes through regular examination of the various
trade magazines as well as contact with other detailing
professionals both in the field and at conventions and
"Equipment," refers to the tools of our trade,
for example, polishers, extractors, air compressors,
and power washers, to name a few. Within each category
of equipment is a large range of options. For example,
in the polisher category, there are high-speed polishers,
random orbital polishers, dual-head polishers, and others.
Typically, information about detailing equipment will
come from your local detail supply shop, trade magazines,
trade shows, equipment manufacturers, and other professionals
in the industry. Take advantage of all these sources
of information when making decisions about what equipment
(e.g., a polisher) you need as well as what type of
each piece of equipment (e.g., high-speed, random orbital,
dual-head) you need.
"Knowledge of vehicle surfaces" indicates
that, as mentioned in the last article, it is the responsibility
of the professional detailer to understand how to rejuvenate
and protect each of the many varied surfaces of a vehicle,
regardless of the specific surface composition. Again,
actively and regularly pursue the information sources
suggested above to become an expert in vehicle surface
cleaning and protection.
I add "industry standards" to cover not only
"that which is expected of a good detailer"
but also to make specific reference to the fact that
International Carwash Association (ICA) is in the process
of developing standards of excellence in our industry.
Please pay attention to this effort by maintaining active
membership in trade organizations like the ICA, reading
the various trade publications available to our industry,
and attending ICA and other conventions. This area might
also include the requirements of the local municipality
within which you work (e.g., environmental laws).
Probably the most important element of this equation
is unfortunately the most often overlooked. That is,
"customer requirements." Especially when dealing
with new customers or those that are unfamiliar with
our service, I will often ask such questions as, "When
was the last time the vehicle was detailed?" "Do
you want basic clean and protection or do you want the
vehicle to look like it just rolled off the showroom
floor?" "How much were you expecting to spend
today?" or "What is your budget for detailing?"
and "Is there anything special that you would like
us to take care of?" The
answers to these questions have a tremendous impact
on what procedures you will use to service each customers'
"Systematic procedures" refers to the fact
that, as we detail a vehicle, we use specific procedures
and order those procedures to allow us to do the work
in the most efficient and effective manner. Using systematic
procedures also reduces variation in our results because
we can set up specific procedures for each set of circumstances.
For example, if customer X desires to have her six-month-old
clear-coated vehicle (knowledge of vehicle surfaces)
looking showroom new forever, regardless of the price
(customer requirement), we will wash, lightly clay,
and apply a high-quality, non-abrasive paint sealant
(chemicals), either by hand or using a dual-action orbital
If your procedures are made up of appropriate chemicals
and equipment, and carried out with respect to customer
requirements and industry standards, those procedures
should "yield a high-quality service that ends
up delighting the customer." A delighted customer
says things like, "this car has never looked this
good" or "it looks better than when we first
bought it." One addition is necessary, here, however:
"Delighting the customer" also means adding
a little bit more to the service than the customer was
expecting. This will bring this customer back with many
friends who speak highly of your service.
In conclusion, the model shown in Figure 1 can help
you to determine where your service is weak. For example,
if your customers complains about a specific problem
(e.g., wax "plaque" left in a molding crevice),
then there is probably something wrong with one of the
procedures (e.g., wax removal), which means there is
something wrong with one or more of the basic elements
(lack of carrying and using a detail brush during wax
1998, Prentice St. Clair
This article first appeared in the November, 1998 Issue
of International Carwash Association Update
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